This is Kiko and Watson, two beautiful labs who delight the Internet with their adorable hugs and smiling faces on the Instagram page dedicated to their love:
They really love hugs. And each other. And they are both so unbelievably good at posing for the camera, it makes you wonder where we — human beings, who are in theory a lot more capable and in control of our facial expressions than dogs — went wrong on social media?
But there's a third wheel (who is also amazing at Insta) intruding on their couple's time.
Harry, the cat, who is apparently a "silly" cat who is clearly beloved as the account (which we can only assume is run by the doggos) says he/she doesn't know what they'd do without him.
Kiko and Watson's relationship frustration is the Internet's delight. These are some good boys who will be good to their cat friend, even if he is a bit of a hanger on:
It's complicated, but it works. There are so many reasons to love Harry. Maybe it's because we've all been there? Who hasn't been a third wheel, who hopelessly feels like a cat living in a dog's world? And not only dogs, but two dogs who are so clearly perfect for each other and madly in love and can't help but parade that love around for all of us single cats to just, take in and wonder when we are going to meet our match?! Anyway, where were we?!
Right: It's complicated, but it works. They all have a beautiful relationship that appears to have respectful boundaries and nothing but love among all of them. It's a beautiful thing.
These three are a very adorable reminder that love looks all different ways, even polyamorous and inter-species.