15+ Curious Facts About Zoos That Only Zookeepers Know

Publish date: 2024-09-28

Every profession has its secrets, and zoo workers are no exception. From the outside, it seems like a dream job: you’re surrounded by cute animals, and you just need to take care of them. But from the inside, of course, everything is different. What animal in the zoo do you think is more dangerous and aggressive than others? Maybe a lion or a tiger? No, it’s not.

Some animals eat even better than humans.

Herbivores are sometimes fed meat.

Animals have names for the public and for «friends.»

Rhinos aren’t as scary as they seem.

Dolphin trainers stay in shape.

It’s not easy for zoo workers to lead a normal life.

But almost all of them have a college degree.

An animal may look bad for reasons independent of the habitat conditions.

The best time for visiting a zoo is on a cool day.

And you’d better wear dark clothes.

Bonus: zookeepers have the most fascinating stories about their jobs.

However, even if you don’t work in a zoo, but you have a pet, your life is also full of surprises and fun. These animals proved that life wouldn’t be the same without them.
